Epic Death!

Epic Death!

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  • Ett spel från Game Salute
  • Ett spel för 2-5 spelare
  • Spelregler på: engelska


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Glorious, Glorious Death!

Epic Death! is a card game of fate, loot and meeting death in glorious battle! You control a rag-tag party of hardened adventurers, looking to don the biggest, shiniest loot before going toe to toe with mighty dragons, scheming sorcerers and undead chickens in the hope of attaining an epic death!

Epic Death! is centered around weaving a story for your adventurers. Using piles of dice modified by fate cards, you strive to complete as many quests as possible, piling epic loot on to your characters, until the time comes to find death in the jaws of the most ferocious monster you can find.

If only it was so easy.

During your quests, rival adventurers will be using their own fate cards against you in the hopes of making you gain fail, detracting from your final epic score with shameful tales of botched deeds. In the worst cases this can lead to you suffering ignominious defeat and death against lesser creatures, forever stricken from the annals of history.